Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Museum Day

Last week, my best friend Ian was in town and we decided to go to a National Gallery of Indonesia. Never thought that Jakarta has this kind of art gallery and it was beautiful. I found so many artistic work from various artist. I know, I am not that artcy but I relly enjoyed this!

I felt so hot because you know Jakarta is never ending summer. So I wore simple dress with stripe pattern and unique cut paired with flared white shirt. Comfort!

Outfit Detail:
Dress: Zara
Loafers: Mel and Molly
Hat: LC Waikiki (Gandaria City Outlet)

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lady Boss Trend Outfit

Mixing a set blazer with a very simple tee and sneakers kind of day. A bit late, last thursday I went to Cafe with my friend an a very mindful chit-chat. I chose simple outfit that match with my personality: easy going, sometimes boyish, and love simple details. And, it will be very hot items on this year autumn/winter season. 

Dr. Strange Tee x Formal Blazer Because Why Not

Golden Hour Around Senayan

Outfit details:
Blazer Set: Pomelo
Bag: Coach
Shoes: Adidas
T-shirt: GU Japan

Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy World Lupus Awareness Month

Fot #LupusAwarenessMonth

Many of you might not know what happened to me this last two year because I only update it on Path.
Exactly 2 years ago I got a very terrible headache and fever. I could not move my legs and almost fainted. I was rushed to the hospital at 9 pm. My lab results were ok and there were no sign of any dangerous disease, whatsoever. They assume that it was dengue fever because I had rash all over my hand. I was hospitalized for 5 days, but doctors said to my mom that she suspected an anomaly then I had to move to another hospital.

We ran so many blood tests to find out what’s inside my body. After all those test, I was diagnosed with SLE (Systemic Lupus Erithematosus) - one of the most dangerous autoimmune disease. I must admit, it was a heartbreaking experience, I totally lost the ability to use the left-side of my hand, had to stop my thesis, had to stop working and also couldn't feel the warmth of the sun. I couldn't even smile and oftentimes lost my short term memory. And now, look at me! I am fat, and bald.

After 2 months, I felt the difference. No energy. At all. Only laid on the couch, watched tv, read a book but still feel so tired. As a person, I always have big goals and milestones, but right now I try to make it pretty simple and learned to just do my best everyday to achieve them. For example: I want to be able to hike that mountain peak, or comb out my beautiful hair, or walking under the sun or even have a child. As simple as that. If someday people ask me:

“what are you afraid of?”
Me: “Afraid of not being able to remember what it felt like to feel good"

Afraid of not being there for my family. They have lost me numerous times. Now I have husband, I feel so guilty when I couldn’t prepare his breakfast. I remember he said something:

“If anything happen, it doesn’t change who you are"

But, today I can say that I am grateful that it happened, my lupus was both a curse and a gift to me, He put me in such a my worst condition. He put me at the lowest point, but I always see ways out and solutions. I've learned many things, I was never alone and with everyone's support and cheers, I will get back to normal, and hopefully stronger than ever. That’s what #WomensDay for me, being able to be the same as normal woman and treated as who I was before. As a #LupusFighter who was nearly dead, believe me, life itself is a gift that we should celebrate every single second of it. Just be happy, genuinely happy for what's on your plate right now, and if you can, try to be happy for others too. Love yourself, be healthy. Enough sleep, eat healthy, left unhealthy habit, and do all the things you love. Yeah, people do make mistakes. If you think you have hurt others, please do not wait to ask forgiveness. We will never know that “time”.

Never judge a disability by its visibility, because you are a gift. You are all special.
Better late than never. Celebrating International Women’s Day, here I tell you what’s that #womensday means for me. Many of you might not know what happened to me this last two year because I only update it on Path.

Yes, exactly 2 years ago I got a very terrible headache and fever. I could not move my legs and almost fainted. I was rushed to the hospital at 9 pm. My lab results were ok and there were no sign of any dangerous disease, whatsoever. They assume that it was dengue fever because I had rash all over my hand. I was hospitalized for 5 days, but doctors said to my mom that she suspected an anomaly then I had to move to another hospital.

We ran so many blood tests to find out what’s inside my body. After all those test, I was diagnosed with SLE (Systemic Lupus Erithematosus) - one of the most dangerous autoimmune disease. I must admit, it was a heartbreaking experience, I totally lost the ability to use the left-side of my hand, had to stop my thesis, had to stop working and also couldn't feel the warmth of the sun. I couldn't even smile and oftentimes lost my short term memory. And now, look at me! I am fat, and bald.

After 2 months, I felt the difference. No energy. At all. Only laid on the couch, watched tv, read a book but still feel so tired. As a person, I always have big goals and milestones, but right now I try to make it pretty simple and learned to just do my best everyday to achieve them. For example: I want to be able to hike that mountain peak, or comb out my beautiful hair, or walking under the sun or even have a child. As simple as that. If someday people ask me:

“what are you afraid of?”
Me: “Afraid of not being able to remember what it felt like to feel good"

Afraid of not being there for my family. They have lost me numerous times. Now I have husband, I feel so guilty when I couldn’t prepare his breakfast. I remember he said something:

“If anything happen, it doesn’t change who you are"

But, today I can say that I am grateful that it happened, my lupus was both a curse and a gift to me, He put me in such a my worst condition. He put me at the lowest point, but I always see ways out and solutions. I've learned many things, I was never alone and with everyone's support and cheers, I will get back to normal, and hopefully stronger than ever. That’s what #WomensDay for me, being able to be the same as normal woman and treated as who I was before. As a #LupusFighter who was nearly dead, believe me, life itself is a gift that we should celebrate every single second of it. Just be happy, genuinely happy for what's on your plate right now, and if you can, try to be happy for others too. Love yourself, be healthy. Enough sleep, eat healthy, leave bad habit, and do all the things you love. Yeah, people do make mistakes. If you think you have hurt others, please do not wait to ask forgiveness. We will never know that “time”.

Never judge a disability by its visibility, because you are a gift. You are all special 😁

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Skin Care Routine: Day and Night

Hellaw peeps! Finally menepati janji untuk bahas soal perjalanan skin care routine aku. So, pertama mau cerita dulu kalau dulu sempat banget pakai cream dokter khusus, yah memang hasilnya sangat instan dan bagus tapi ternyata kulitnya tipis banget dan pastinya jadi ketergantungan. Sejak remaja, kulitku tidak pernah berjerawat dan bermasalah yang aneh-aneh. Kulit tergolong kombinasi (Berminyak di bagian T-zone dan kering di pipi). Tapi itu juga tergantung dengan lingkungan dan cuaca, kadang bisa kering banget hingga ngelupas, atau bahkan berminyak saat pakai makeup.

Nah, karena keseringan mengkonsumsi obat steroid ini mempengaruhi banyak hal dalam tubuhku. Termasuk kulit. Jadi sering breakout kalau lagi ngedrop, memerah hingga mengelupas. Sebel banget! Nah untuk itu aku memutuskan untuk pakai skin care yang dijual bebas di toko-toko yang berbahan ringan (kalau bisa water base) dan alcohol-free. Awalnya pusing banget, bukan gak suka cobain produk ini itu, tapi yah memang menguras kantong dan sayang kalau produk yang dibeli gak kepakai.

Nah beberapa bulan lalu aku jadi sering jerawatan entah kecil atau merah besar.Nah kondisi ini terkadang bisa terjadi dehidrasi dari banyak sekali faktor. Akhirnya kulit memproduksi minyak berlebih namun tersumbat di pori-pori karena jarang dibersihkan dengan benar dan jadilah jerawat! Untuk itu, kamu yang suka pakai makeup sehari-hari lebih baik melakukan double cleansing agar tidak ada residu sisa makeup yang mengendap di pori-pori kulit kamu.


Tahap pertama ini sangat penting! Kalau kamu tidak membersihkan wajah kamu yang ber-makeup atau habis terkena debu, makan skin care apapun gak bakal menyerap sempurna di kulit kamu. Jadi tahap ini penting banget!

Nah, untuk clensing aku pakai yang murah-murah aja hehe. Pertama aku gunakan Viva Milk Cleanser untuk menghapus makeup atau sisa debu. Kadang, kalau lagi pakai makeup mata aku bersihkan dengan Wardah Eye Remover. Untuk bibir, aku scrub juga dengan The Face Shop Mango Seed Exfoliating supaya tidak ada bekas lipstik yang masih nempel. Ini semua aku lakukan rutin baik pagi atau malam hari. Lalu cuci muka pakai Hada Labo Perfect x Simple.

Info Product
Viva Milk Cleanser: Harga Rp 8.000 bisa di beli di Indomaret
Hada Labo Perfect x Simple Face Wash: Harga Rp 31.000 bisa dibeli di Guardian atau Supermarket
The Face Shop Mango Seed Exfoliating: Harga Rp 70.000 dapat di beli di Store Face Shop


Setelah wajah dicuci bersih, keringkan dengan handuk bersih dengan di tepuk jangan di usap terlalu keras karena akan menyiksa kulit kamu. Lebih baik siapkan toner kamu sebelum cuci muka, karena 3 detik setelah mencuci muka kelembaban kulit akan menurun sehingga apabila menggunakan toner tidak akan meresap sempurna.

Ini dia toner yang aku gunakan. Selain alcohol-free bahannya sangat aman terdiri dari 5% Glycolic Acid, Aloe Vera dan Ginseng! Memang di Indonesia belum ada, dan harganya lumayan mahal. Tapi, menurut aku sangat penting berinvestasi untuk skin care karena kamu bisa merasakannya saat tua nanti. Kalau lagi menyisihkan uang lebih buat beli makeup, gausah deh kepikiran beli Giorgio Armani Foundation atau yang lain lebih baik buat beli skin care yang bakal kamu pakai sehari-hari aja :)

Pixi Glow Tonic: Harga Rp 300.000 - Rp 500.000 (tergantung ukuran) dapat dibeli di @preorderbymimo atau di Lazada

Kemudian, aku pakai pre-serum super keren atau biasa disebut miracle water hehe. Yap apalagi kalau produk keluaran SK-II yang mutakhir ini: FTE (Facial Treatment Essence). Dengan bahan Pitera, produk ini membantu meremajakan kulit, serta mengembalikan kesehatannya. 

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence: Harga Mulai dari Rp 1.000.000 sesuai dengan ukuran dapat dibeli di Departement Store.


Tahap ini digunakan produk-produk yang mengandung key ingredients untuk merawat bagian dalam dari kulit kamu. Yang kemudian step selanjutnya dapat digunakan juga moisturizer untuk kulit kamu yang kering. Untuk tahap ini, aku gunakan terlebih dahulu serum yang merupakan produk lokal bernama Votre Peau lalu memakai Sun Screen yang sangat penting terutama untuk kulit autoimmune. Disini aku menggunakan Sun Screen dai Biore Aqua Rich.

Votre Peau Vit. C Serum: Harga Rp 220.000 dapat dibeli di Lazada atau Website Votre Peau
Biore Aqua Rich: Harga Rp 70.000 (lagi diskon) dapat dibeli di AEON Mall.

Night Routine

Untuk malam, tentunya ada yang sedikit aku rubah. Tidak perlu pakai sun screen. Tapi aku hanya menggunakan cukup sampai serum saja. Apabila mukaku sangat kering aku gunakan face oil dari Tarte yang murni merupakan Maracuja Oil. Setiap 2 hari sekali juga akan aku selingi dengan sleeping mask dari Laneige. Sleeping mask super ringan ini membantu mengenyalkan kulitmu saat pagi. Enak banget! Gak lupa aku merawat bibir dengan Lip Mask Laneige dan mata dengan Tarte Eye Cream.

Produk Laneige dapat dibeli di Althea.

Nah kira-kira itu dia produk-produk yang aku pakai setiap harinya. Semoga bermanfaat ya! Kalau ada saran atau request post selanjutnya please leave your comment below. Cheers! 😜

Friday, June 10, 2016

Rock the Tricky Spring with The Phenomenal Culottes

[Repost from my Wordpress]
Who doesn't believe in old-fashioned ways? So, check out to your mom, apakah pada zamannya muda mereka mengenal fashion item yang satu ini? Yap! The culotte has arrived (again). Culotte menjadi hype dan trend di Spring 2015 ini. Beberapa fashion blogger menggunakannya sebagai bagian looks yang mereka posting melalui blog maupun instagram. Begitu juga brand-brand local maupun internasional berlomba-lomba untuk mengeluarkan koleksi terbaru berupa celana berpotongan lurus dan lebar ini. ada yang berukuran Midi maupun Maxi (untuk kamu yang berhijab). Yuk simak how to wear this trend!
Lil Bit Boyish
Look ini cocok untuk jalan-jalan atau hangout santai dengan teman. padu padankan culotte dengan  coat atau parka untuk memberikan kesan boyish dan simple pada tampilan. Gunakan loafer atau slides sebagai alas kaki. See this cool look:

Dilansir dari situs Jessica blogger yang menyukai simple look ini memadukan brown coat dengan black culotte dengan slides sebagai alas kaki. Looks simple yet comfy!

A Simple and Chic Look
Angelin memadukan grey culottes dengan white crop top sehingga terlihat sangat chic. Dilengkapi strap heels dan clutch dengan warna senada sebagai pemanis look ini. Cute!
Boyish look biasanya identik dengan ankle boots atau oversized shirt/sweater. Yap! bisa banget kamu padukan culottes ini dengan kedua items tersebut seperti yang look dari Dania Rose yang serba hitam. Cool!
Selain bisa terlihat boyish, cullote juga bisa digunakan untuk look yangsemi formal dan terlihat chic untuk kamu yang feminin. padukan dengan crop top dan strap heels. Hmm such a good idea!
Nah, another ways to mix and match culottes ini bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan acara atau daily looks kamu. Apalagi untuk kamu yang berbadan tinggi dengan kaki yang jenjang, culottes sangat membantu membuat tubuhmu menjadi lebih proporsional. Untuk kamu yang berbadan pendek, hindari memakai midi culottes yang sangat lebar karena akan membuat bagian tengah tubuhmu terlihat semakin kecil. SO, bagaimana untuk mereka yang berhijab? Tentu gunakan maxi culottes. I wanna make my own look with culottes next ya! Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Simply for Daily

Hi long time not to see you guys! this is a simple tutorial for you. Sorry for the bad photo resolution -_-